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Emerging Trends: The Changing Face of Banking

2023 National Conference
Key Highlights


Thank you for making the National Bankers Association's 96th annual conference a success!

First of all, thank you to all our attendees, partners, and sponsors. We could not have made this conference successful without your support. For those of you who were not able to make it, we hope to see you next year!  In the meantime, we have created a highlights page to provide easy access to information discussed during the conference. There are links to our latest research reports, downloadable infographics, an overview of EquityEQ, our new tool for compliance and impact reporting, and our Fintech Playbook. The playbook will enable you to self-assess your tech needs and identify your priorities so you can successfully leverage innovative technologies and partnerships.


We hope you find these highlights useful. We also look forward to any feedback you may have about the conference or the resources!


Thank you,

Nicole Elam

President and CEO, National Bankers Association

Research Supporting the Social Impact of MDIs


One of the many ways we champion MDIs and other mission-driven financial institutions is by conducting proprietary research that deepens public understanding of the sector. The insights from these reports provide tangible evidence of the social impact that reinforces the importance of MDIs.

Main research findings from our 2022 Lending Analysis, State of MDI Report, and PPP Lending Analysis:

Most MDI branches (62%) are in zip codes with poverty rates higher than the national average, compared to just 38% of non-MDI branches.

25% of MDI branches are in zip codes in which the MDI is the only bank with a physical presence in that zip code.

119 MDIs collectively issued nearly 270,000 PPP loans and more than $16 billion in loan dollars.

79% of MDI PPP loans went to minority or LMI communities versus only 47% of non-MDI loans.

From our 2022 lending sample, 70% of loans went to a zip code with a greater minority share than the national average and 57.6% of loans went to zip codes with a poverty rate higher than the national average.

Download the Latest Research Reports


Check out our Infographics with key statistics about the MDI Sector

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Need help with compliance and impact reporting?

Check out EquityEQ, a new tool offered in partnership with

Reporting to investors, policymakers, regulators, and the general public about the work you do is crucial, but compliance can be a pain point. That’s why we partnered with UpMetrics to create EquityEQ. Drawing on sources like the U.S. Census Bureau, this tool transforms data into impactful insights about the people and places that your financial institution is serving.

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Equity EQ dashboard

The dashboard supports a full range of visualizations including: maps, charts, and text-based widgets.

Each of these visualizations can be saved as image files. You can also share a static view of the dashboard or download it as a PDF to circulate offline.

To schedule a demo and learn how MDIs are using the tool to simplify reporting, contact Anthony Barr at

Fintech Playbook

Do you need help assessing your

technology needs?

MDIs report that onboarding and managing new technology partners in payments, lending, and account opening is a top priority. Yet many cited capacity concerns in conducting due diligence and managing new relationships. Download this resource to self-assess your tech needs and identify your priorities to leverage innovative technologies and partnerships effectively.

MDI Fintech Cover

National Bankers Association's
2023 Annual Conference

1513 P Street, NW
Washington, D. C. 20005
(202) 588 - 5432


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1513 P Street NW
Washington, DC 20005


© National Bankers Association 2023.

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